Our values and our ethical principles define our corporate culture. They reflect who we are and our codes of approach in our internal and external relationships. We sincerely believe in the importance of honesty and reliability for sustainable success. For this, we take care to always be honest and fair with our colleagues, our customers, our suppliers, our sectoral contacts, and our society as a whole with a sense of responsibility.
The Karyer Ethical Principles are codes that protect the Karyer brand value, spread it to the extent that does not limit "quality" to the product, and transform it to a standard of living, and they must be followed by each Karyer family member. These codes summarise the rules that position Karyer against unfair competition, protect companie’s resources, such as time, equipment and information from abuse, increase productivity, and strengthen accord to work procedures and all legal regulations.
Honesty and Reliability
To stand behind promises made and to be open, ethical, fair, constructive, and honest in a manner that establishes trust in all internal and external relationships.
Equality, Sensitivity, and Tolerance
To be sensitive and show respect and tolerance to individual and cultural differences. To pay regard to the conditions of merit and to act equally in this direction.
To pay regard to the confidentiality of all information and documents belonging to the institution, its employees, and its customers that should not be shared with third parties and to keep them confidential.
Compliance with Institutional Legislation, National and International Legislation
To comply with national and international legal legislation, rules, and regulations, to act in accordance with business ethics, and to respect the rights of intellectual property.
Environmental Responsibility
To not allow activities that threaten the conditions of nature and the environment in all business processes, and to pay regard to environmental awareness in devices and technologies being developed.
Social Responsibility
To support the participation of institutions and employees in social and community activities, to avoid discourses and actions that will cause unease in society, and to stand up against all kinds of corruption by acting with the awareness of social responsibility.
Change, Evolution, Openness to Innovation
To be open to the sharing of knowledge and vision with employees and collaborative partners during the sustainable development process; to be innovative and open to change by including employees in decision-making and business development processes.